ODM Zoo Siab Lub Hnab Pricelist - Lub Hoobkas Muab Cov Ntawv Sau Npe Tshuaj Ntsuab Mushroom Extract Powder Reishi, Ganoderma Lucidum, Lingzhi - Johncan Mushroom


Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Txhua yam peb ua yog feem ntau txuas nrog peb txoj cai "Consumer initial, Rely on 1st, devoting around the food stuff packaging and environmental security forPolyporus Umbellatus, Lion's Mane Mushroom, Paecilomyces Hepiali, Peb tsom mus rau tsim tus kheej hom thiab ua ke nrog ntau cov kev paub dhau los thiab cov khoom siv hauv chav kawm thawj zaug. Peb cov khoom koj tsim nyog muaj.
ODM Zoo Siab Lub Hnab Pricelist - Hoobkas Muab Cov Ntawv Sau Npe Tshuaj Ntsuab Mushroom Extract Powder Reishi, Ganoderma Lucidum, Lingzhi - Johncan MushroomDetail:

Flow Chart

img (2)


Tsis muaj.

Yam khoom


Yam ntxwv

Daim ntawv thov


Reishi Txiv hmab txiv ntoo lub cev hmoov



iab saj (Strong)

Tsawg ceev 


Tshuaj yej pob



Reishi cawv Extract

Standardized rau Triterpene


Bitter saj (Zoo dua)

High ceev



Reishi Dej Extract


Standardized rau Beta glucan

100% Soluble

iab saj

High ceev 


Cov dej haus



Reishi Spores (Wall Broken)

Standardized rau sporoderm - tawg tus nqi


Chocolate tsw

Tsawg ceev




Reishi Spores roj


Lub teeb daj pob tshab kua


Mos gel


Reishi Dej Extract

(Nrog Maltodextrin)

Standardized rau Polysaccharides

100% Soluble

iab saj

(Sweet aftertaste)

Tsawg ntom ntom 

Cov dej haus


Cov ntsiav tshuaj


Reishi Dej Extract

(Nrog hmoov)

Standardized rau Beta glucan

70 - 80% Soluble

iab saj

High ceev 




Reishi Dual Extract

Standardized rau Polysaccharides, Beta gluan thiab Triterpene

90% Soluble

iab saj

Tsawg ntom ntom


Cov dej haus



Customized khoom




Paub meej

Cov fungi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau ntau yam siab - molecular - hnyav polysaccharide cov qauv uas lawv tsim, thiab bioactive polyglycans pom nyob rau hauv txhua qhov chaw ntawm nceb. Polysaccharides sawv cev rau kev sib txawv ntawm cov kab mob lom macromolecules nrog dav - ntau yam physiochemical zog. Ntau yam polysaccharides tau muab rho tawm los ntawm cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo lub cev, spores, thiab mycelia ntawm lingzhi; lawv yog tsim los ntawm fungal mycelia kab lis kev cai nyob rau hauv fermenters thiab muaj peev xwm txawv nyob rau hauv lawv cov qab zib thiab peptide compositions thiab molecular hnyav (piv txwv li, ganoderans A, B, thiab C). G. lucidum polysaccharides (GL-PSs) tau tshaj tawm los nthuav tawm ntau yam ntawm bioactivities. Polysaccharides feem ntau tau txais los ntawm cov nceb los ntawm kev rho tawm nrog dej kub ua raws li los ntawm nag lossis daus nrog ethanol lossis membrane sib cais.

Kev txheeb xyuas cov qauv ntawm GL-PSs qhia tias cov piam thaj yog lawv cov suab thaj loj. Txawm li cas los xij, GL-PSs yog heteropolymers thiab tuaj yeem muaj xylose, mannose, galactose, thiab fucose nyob rau hauv kev sib txawv, suav nrog 1–3, 1–4, thiab 1–6 - txuas β thiab α-D (los yog L) - hloov .

Branching conformation thiab solubility yam ntxwv tau hais tias yuav cuam tshuam rau cov khoom antitumorigic ntawm cov polysaccharides. Cov nceb kuj muaj cov matrix ntawm polysaccharide chitin, uas yog indigestible heev los ntawm tib neeg lub cev thiab yog ib feem lub luag hauj lwm rau lub cev hardness ntawm nceb. Ntau cov tshuaj ua kom zoo dua polysaccharide uas tau muab rho tawm los ntawm G. lucidum tam sim no tau ua lag luam raws li dhau-tus-lub khw muag khoom.

Terpenes yog ib chav kawm ntawm cov khoom sib xyaw ua ke uas nws cov pob txha pob txha muaj ib lossis ntau dua isoprene C5 units. Piv txwv ntawm terpenes yog menthol (monoterpene) thiab β-carotene (tetraterpene). Ntau yam yog alkenes, txawm tias qee qhov muaj lwm pab pawg ua haujlwm, thiab ntau yam yog cyclic.

Triterpenes yog subclass ntawm terpenes thiab muaj lub cev pob txha ntawm C30. Feem ntau, triterpenoids muaj molecular hnyav li ntawm 400 mus rau 600 kDa thiab lawv cov qauv tshuaj yog complex thiab oxidized heev.

Hauv G. lucidum, cov qauv tshuaj ntawm cov triterpenes yog raws li lanostane, uas yog ib qho metabolite ntawm lanosterol, biosynthesis ntawm uas yog raws li cyclization ntawm squalene. Extraction ntawm triterpenes feem ntau yog ua los ntawm ethanol solvents. Cov extracts tuaj yeem raug ntxuav ntxiv los ntawm ntau txoj hauv kev sib cais, suav nrog qhov qub thiab thim rov qab - theem HPLC .

Thawj triterpenes cais los ntawm G. lucidum yog ganoderic acids A thiab B, uas tau txheeb xyuas los ntawm Kubota li al. (1982). Txij thaum ntawd los, ntau tshaj 100 triterpenes uas paub cov tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg thiab cov qauv molecular tau raug tshaj tawm tias tshwm sim hauv G. lucidum. Ntawm lawv, ntau tshaj 50 tau pom tias yog cov tshiab thiab tshwj xeeb rau cov kab mob no. Feem ntau yog ganoderic thiab lucidenic acids, tab sis lwm yam triterpenes xws li ganoderals, ganoderiols, thiab ganodermic acids kuj tau txheeb xyuas (Nishitoba li al. 1984; Sato li al. 1986; Budavari 1989; Gonzalez 9et 9. . 2002; Akihisa et al 2007; Zhou et al.

G. lucidum yog kom meej meej nplua nuj nyob rau hauv triterpenes, thiab nws yog cov chav kawm ntawm cov tebchaw uas muab cov tshuaj ntsuab nws iab saj thiab, nws ntseeg, confers on nws ntau yam kev noj qab haus huv cov kev pab cuam, xws li lipid-lowering thiab dant teebmeem. Txawm li cas los xij, cov ntsiab lus triterpene sib txawv hauv qhov sib txawv thiab cov theem ntawm cov nceb. Cov profile ntawm cov triterpenes sib txawv hauv G. lucidum tuaj yeem siv los ua kom paub qhov txawv ntawm cov kab mob no los ntawm lwm hom kab mob taxonomically, thiab tuaj yeem ua pov thawj rau kev faib tawm. Cov ntsiab lus triterpene kuj tuaj yeem siv los ntsuas qhov zoo ntawm cov qauv ganoderma sib txawv

Product details duab:

ODM High Quality Makeup Bag Pricelist –Factory Offer Private Label Herbal Mushroom Extract Powder Reishi, Ganoderma Lucidum, Lingzhi – Johncan Mushroom detail pictures

Yam khoom Guide:

Raws li tus nqi txhoj puab heev, peb ntseeg tias koj yuav tau tshawb nrhiav deb thiab dav rau txhua yam uas tuaj yeem kov tau peb. Peb tuaj yeem hais nrog qhov tseeb tias rau qhov zoo - zoo ntawm cov nqi zoo li no peb tau qis tshaj plaws nyob ib puag ncig rau ODM Cov Khoom Uas Zoo Tshaj Plaws Pricelist - Hoobkas Muab Cov Ntawv Sau Npe Herbal Mushroom Extract Powder Reishi, Ganoderma Lucidum, Lingzhi - Johncan Mushroom, Cov khoom yuav muab mus rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no, xws li: Albania, Belgium, tim lyiv teb chaws, ua raws li peb motto ntawm "Tuav zoo qhov zoo thiab cov kev pab cuam, Cov neeg siv khoom txaus siab", Yog li peb muab peb cov neeg siv khoom nrog cov khoom zoo thiab kev pabcuam zoo heev. Thov koj xav tiv tauj peb kom paub ntxiv.

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